Blogger Layouts

Monday, August 27, 2007

Killer Whales 2

Just so you know, killer whales are mammals. Not all creatures that look like fish are fish. I didn't know this until I was three.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Killer Whales

Last week was my birthday. I went to Sea World. I saw Shamu and other killer whales! It was a fun experience! I also saw dolphins, sea lions, a walrus (doing situps!), beluga whales, and also other sea creatures. My favorite thing was Shamu because he is so big! He made a big splash on me and my brother Sam. We were dripping wet! This was a great birthday!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007


I will be asking for everybody's help sometime soon. I am going to be involved in a group called "Roots and Shoots". This group is sponsored by the Jane Goodall Foundation. I am going to try my best to help save our environment!

First, I am going to order some bags that you can buy from me to use when you go to the grocery store instead of plastic ones. The plastic bags are very dangerous for animals and their habitats. Even human animals!

When the weather is cooler, I will be asking people to sponsor me in planting trees in different locations. This will help keep the air clean and will help replace some of the trees that are being cut down every day.

I am only one person, but with your help, I think that we can do it!