Blogger Layouts

Sunday, August 2, 2009


About 2 years ago I heard about a MEGALADON( it is the black shark on the picture) .
It's teeth are six inch's long. Ouch! It is said to live 14o years and is the great white sharks great Grandfather! It's 74 yards long . " It's got Extinct 20 Million years ago" says most people but one eyewitness says "It took my fishing net!".

Cannonball Jellyfish

This summer, I went to Florida and my brother got stung by a stingray. Before we knew what stung him, I did some research and found out that there were a lot of CANNONBALL JELLYFISH in the area.

The cannonball jellyfish is very small ,the ONLY one which doesn't sting, it's yellow and orange ,
and it is on our menu! In poor countries the cannonball jellyfish is a good source of protein. Some asian countries use the jellyfish for medicine.

Also, the cannonball jellyfish eat plankton by sucking it into its belly. Yum!