Blogger Layouts

Thursday, November 17, 2011

3. King of weird fish.

O.K. this fish, Golomyanka, has no scales, stays in only one lake and stays in the deepest part of the lake, so what else is weird? It dissolves almost instantly on contact with sunlight. What causes this? A special oil that they need to have to survive. Also this lake, Lake Baikal, has Golamyanka's main predator, also native to to this lake, the Nerpa Seal.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


It makes sense why this Yeti Crab got it's name! When I said ''YETI ON THE BEACH!'' it REALLY went against it's natural habitat. It was found 1,500km south of easter island at 2,200m deep in the ocean. It isn't exactly a crab, but a species of squat lobster. These animals are also color blind and able to use it's ''hair'' to purify the poison from hydrothermal vents using Filamentous Bacteria (I wish I could do that!).

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

1. A real Dumbo.

I am making a count-down to the top ten weirdest animals ever. Number 1 is Dumbo Octopus.

They are extremely rare, found at only the deepest depths of the ocean. In fact, it goes deeper then any octopus known to man.It's real name is Grimpoteuthis, and it's nick-name came from the movie Dumbo.