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Saturday, July 5, 2008

The Blue Penguin

I learned on the news that there was come confusion about a penguin egg. The mom and dad didn't really know it was their egg or baby penguin, when it hatched. Zookeepers found it and raised the baby penguin like it was their baby. They would keep it in a cooler and feed it fish. To learn more, go to the following website for a video:

I like penguins and saw lots of different types at Sea World last week. I saw: King Penguin, Emperor Penguin, Macaroni Penguin, and more!


Jake said...

Matthew - Grandpa Bos likes penguins, but I've never actually seen a blue penguin. Do they get very big? Where do they live?

The Animal Kid said...

The blue penguin was born in ,2008
july 1.Did you know they got its
name buy happy feet.